Business Start-up and Registration

We Take Care Of Your Books So That You Don't Have To.

Hassle-Free Business Start-up and Registration

Starting your own business is a dream come true, and it requires tremendous confidence, strategies and accuracy to face the start-up challenges. While you work day and night to make your business dream come true, we at Meta Tax are here to help you handle your business registration process and the start-up process of your business.

While leaving plenty of quality time for you to focus on your new goals, our team of experts ensures that all the documentation is done and submitted on time to relevant departments and that the challenges are met with strategic solutions.

We believe that our success depends on the success of our clients. Prioritizing your start-up growth and success, we provide analytic, result-driven and data-driven advice for you to avoid unnecessary hassles in registration and all the legal requirements that are to be followed by the start-up businesses in Australia. 

Business Advisory for Start-Up, Business Registration and Structuring

Business Structure Overview

We help you decide the most suitable business structure for your business, such as Self-Managed Super Funds, Partnership, Trust or a company.

Business Registration

We guide you through the registration process of your business, meeting the requirements of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Business Forecast

Understanding your business needs and business forecast, we suggest the best solutions and help you implement best-fit business strategies effectively to achieve your goals.

Asset Protection

We provide business advisory in Melbourne on structuring your personal and business assets to safeguard them from unanticipated events and situations beforehand.

Succession Planning

We provide advice on developing a proper succession strategy for your company, such as selling it to a third party or passing it on to a family member to safeguard the future of your company.

Corporate Governance

Roles and duties, risk management, organisational performance, and integrity and responsibility are some of the topics covered in the corporate governance advice we provide for your company.

Business Strategies

For your business’s ongoing management or start-up, we help you create consistent financial and business management strategies with cutting out complications and unnecessary charges.

Advice on Compliance Matters

We help you maintain GST (Goods & Services Tax), STP (Single Touch Payroll) SGC (Superannuation Guarantee Contribution, Payroll Tax obligations and others needs in setting up your company.

Advice on Employer Obligations

We help you structure your brand new business and advise on how and when to create business roles, providing all the essential employer obligations in your business without hassle.

Business Advisory

Providing business advisory services in Melbourne Australia, Meta Tax accountants assist you to understand the challenges and modify unique solutions to overcome them.Providing business advisory services in Melbourne Australia, Meta Tax accountants assist you to understand the challenges and modify unique solutions to overcome them.

We’re Here to Help

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