
We Take Care Of Your Books So That You Don't Have To.

Bookkeeping and In-House Bookkeeping

We understand that running a business is a continual juggling act and that one of the most crucial duties you must manage is accounting and bookkeeping, which is time-consuming and challenging. We provide streamlined bookkeeping and payroll services so you can focus on your business.

Our qualified team of Meta Tax accountants in Melbourne near you help you get a simplified and real-time view of your cash flow, so that you do not have to worry about balancing your bookkeeping and elevating your business all by yourself.

We apply cutting-edge technologies and cloud-based software so that you can access your business reports and work from anywhere in the world from the comfort of your couch. Our accountants and bookkeepers will help you manage your books and keep track of your financial transactions which will eventually maximize your revenues and minimize unnecessary costs.

Enjoy the Benefits of Choosing Meta Tax as Your External Bookkeeper

Cloud Accounting Software

We help you select a cloud accounting software that best fits your company's statutory reporting requirements, such as BAS (Business Activity Statements) and STP (Single Touch Payroll).

Filling Of Employer SGC

We assist you to fill your employer's SGC (Superannuation Guarantee Contributions) on a monthly and quarterly basis based on your company's needs.

Filling Of STP to ATO

Depending on the company's needs and the conditions of the employment contract, we process payroll weekly, fortnightly, or monthly and file STP with the ATO.

GST Treatment

We maintain bank reconciliation and recording of business transactions to the relevant ledger accounts, ensuring that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applied correctly.

Client Staff Training

By giving comprehensive training for the client staff to use accounting applications we introduce, we set up functional processes and procedures for the team.

Cash Flow Management

Keeping track of your company’s cash flow on a regular basis, we maintain err-free, bespoke cash flow management systems to provide accurate financial reports.

Payroll Processing

We help our clients with efficient payroll processing services that handle paychecks, commissions, bonuses and all other financial activities of your employees.

Financial Statement Preparation

Our qualified team of accountants and bookkeepers prepare accurate income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets and other financial statements on your behalf.

Tailored Services

Understanding and analysing the scale of your business and its future endeavours, our skilled accountants tailor unique bookkeeping services in Melbourne to meet your business needs.


Attaching source documents (Bills) to every transaction in the software, we maintain transparency, governance and accuracy of financial reporting in your business’ bookkeeping.

We’re Here to Help

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